Consumer Vs Professional Grade Coatings

With the influx of ceramic coating on the market, the question arises of “why gets professional ceramic coating?” In the following video, Wilson Auto Detailing outlines why it’s important to go with a company that is certified in professional product like System X and IGL like we are here at Apex.

1.) You Know You are in the Hand of A Trained Professional.

2.) Warranty Backed. All of Coatings come with a Manufacturer’s warranty and our System X Coatings are backed by on the Vehicle’s CarFax.

3.) Professional Products are better than ones that the Consumer can buy. This is due to High Concentrations of active ceramic forming reactant within these coatings. This makes these coating have better long term durability/overall properties, but make them harder to apply as the video below shows. At Apex, we are certified/trained to apply these professional products without the risk of high spots/non-buffed flash locations.

Left to Right: System X Diamond SS Professional Ceramic Coating Vs Consumer Ceramic Coating

Ryland Ballingham