Reasons to Never use an Touch Automatic Car Wash

Everyone is familiar with “automatic” car wash systems. These systems are typically located at gas stations and even companies that are in the car washing business. At Apex Mobile Detailing & Ceramic Coatings, we feel these systems do more harm than good to your cars finish. There are many reasons why these systems are bad and are only intended to get you in and out as quickly as possible.

1.) These systems are designed to be a “one size fits all” and do not take into consideration the type of vehicle you drive. Because of this, these automatic systems can often unintentionally damage various parts of your vehicle such as the wheels, rubber trim and they can even scratch through your vehicles clear clear. Typically there is no recourse you can take when this happens and you have to deal with the damage dealt.

2.) Since these systems are pre-programmed machines, they typically don’t do a good job at cleaning your vehicle and often times spots that are dirty are missed because of this.

3.) Maintenance on these systems is often times questionable. Why would you want to follow a line of other dirty cars into a machine to clean yours? The same exact equipment that was used to clean their cars is going to be used to clean yours. This means that all the dirt, bugs, grime and other contaminants are going to be physical scrubbed onto the surface of your vehicle from the previous vehicle(s). This inevitably leads to damage to your vehicle, which is typically one of your largest investments. Why would you want to do that?

4.) There is no interior service with these machines so it isnt a true “complete vehicle detail”.

At Apex, we spend the proper amount of time to clean and detail your vehicle properly without damaging the finish and we always apply a finishing sealant of your choice to enhance the paints protection. Lesson is: Don’t let an automatic car washing system damage your vehicle and its finish!